
kohitsuji on Oct. 6, 2007

Wow, long time no see huh? I wonder if anyone still cares about this comic. I'm surprised anyone faved it in the first place. :o

SO… since this comic is loosley based on my feelings and angstings AND since I have a girlfriend now which makes my life pretty much pwn all the time and school is now the only thing that really makes me want to kill myself Otoko might be ending soon. Ugh, bummer, I know! DX lol Yeah right..

There's still a couple of tribute pages I want to post (if I ever get around to it -_-) but my bloggings are probably coming to an end. But I kinda feel bad seeing as how many nice people commented so a different less depressing blog may replace it! Yay? :D

Who knows, the main character of this one (whatever his name is X3) might even star in that one too! Along with some other cool fags- I mean characters. :D

You look forward to it?