Filler #2

Aisu on June 19, 2007

Boooo for fillers!!! I mean yay fillers!^^' I didn't post last week Oo? My computer crash the Sunday before last so I got mad and didn't work on any pages….. it was only down for half a day^^' So I guess I have no reason for not posting. Any hows filler! so I have time to get back on track and get some pages done, i'll post my next page on saturday XD pg 26 T_T
About the filler, whats his name with his longer type hair. Candy canes Oo i'm not sure what I was thinking when making this page xD Oh well thank you for reading and the comments, thank you so very much!! oh and kawaii d on the last page and on this one I kind of did change my style or way I colour but I don't think i'll do the rest of the pages like that although I will use some of the things I liked.