PAge 28
Aisu on July 14, 2007
Page 28^^' only a lil' late…… or not…..ok really late T.T
Not a very good page, didn't take to long should of had it done on Friday but I went to see that harry potter movie, I didn't like it much. I have never read any of the books or seen any of the other movies, so it kind of felt like I didn't really get everything that was going on or had happened. Then on saturday I was just gone most of the day so I could not finish it. Thank you so very much for reading commenting and just thank you.
Katbot at 5:23AM, July 19, 2007
I can't wait to find out who this is! X0
ximerika at 2:48PM, July 18, 2007
Oh,and- if you ever want to, you can use my fanart as a filler.
ximerika at 2:46PM, July 18, 2007
finally XD
Azaeziel at 9:32AM, July 16, 2007
Yeah, that's a good question, why would she think he may have gotten fired on his first day? nice page.
noelnohana at 8:36PM, July 15, 2007
Awsome i'm I wanna be a man-whore thanks for that shoutout keep it up
MissyZoe at 2:26PM, July 15, 2007
XD Lawlz
kawaiidaigakusei at 1:18PM, July 15, 2007
did Viscaria always have that sort of toughness? Manwhores?!!? How did he/she know that he might have been fired? --side note : I can't believe you haven't read any of the HP books or seen of the other movies. You brought a fresh perspective to the theater when you went. I wonder what your entire take on the movie was.