Page 24

Dr5pectre on May 25, 2018

It's important to note that Fergus isn't intentionally being cruel or threatening right here. He had a good internal laugh about Nule privately mocking him. And a bit of guilt over scaring Nule earlier. So now he's trying to make the most of this unwanted situation by being civil, bringing Nule some dinner, and talking out their grievances with each other.

But with where Nule is mentally right now, it's hard for him to see this situation as anything but sinister.

Fergus didn't catch the implication that Nule thought he might eat him. He simply thought that Nule was being a silver tongue, walking back his insults to try and warp them into compliments. If he had realized this, the conversations would have gone a lot differently.


About two hundred years before this present time, a series of photographs were taken by a wizard who attended a Stallo Summer solstice festival deep in the jungle. The photographs depicted a group of Stallo roasting a human shaped corpse over a campfire, and a few of the photos showed the Stallo eating it. The photographs circulated in newspapers for awhile and the story blew up. Some journalists wrote that the small bodies were spriggan children, stolen from a nearby village. While others identified the bodies as Goblins.

It wasn't until nearly eighty years later that another wizard studied the photographs more carefully. He discovered that based on the size and skeletal structure of the bodies, they were not spriggan or goblin, but Bonobos (which is a relative to chimpanzees) He published his findings and debunked the rumors of Stallo eating people. However the concept of Stallo cannibalizing smaller races never completely left the public consciousness. Especially among Goblins….

This also adds to one of the many reasons Stallo hate wizards. But thats a story for another day. ;)