711. Dr. Dillon

Sameth on May 2, 2014

Well, I try to make a comic for each superhero release for my favorite superheroes (like Batman and Spider-Man and so on). This is one I had written with no real idea of when I would post it, so I felt today would be good since The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is FINALLY coming to American theaters…after most of the world has already seen it.
With this comic, I'd like to point out that I had to resist Electro saying “I bet you think all blue guys look the same.”
Also, it's a pet peeve of mine when people compare new movie to designs to random things. MOST of the things they compare them to, I don't see the comparison. One of the main ones that has stuck around has been Raimi's Green Goblin. I grew up on Power Rangers and I have never been able to see the comparison between Green Goblin and a Power Ranger.
More ridiculous ones include Batman and Robin's Mr. Freeze (what? Because he's blue and bald?), Dr. Manhattan (alright, you're getting closer), Na'vi from Avatar (seriously? That's not even close), and a smurf (Okay, you're not even trying).
You know what he looks like to me? A blue version of Ultimate Electro.