1302. Sanderson

Sameth on July 11, 2018

I mean, it's not like DC is hasn't had something like that before. There are alternate universes where Ultraman (not the Japanese character), who is an alternate universe of Superman, took over Earth along with Owlman and Superwoman. Also, there's the Injustice universe where superman actually does take over.

But still, let's not put that idea in his head.

I got interested in Steelheart because I've had two friends gift me Brandon Sanderson books and a lot of people talking about him, I decided to try it. Rather than read one of the two books I was given (which I still plan to), I decided ti check out one of his audiobooks first. And I was led to Steelheart because it's read by MacLeod Andrews, who I am a fan of from him reading the Sandman Slim novels. (He makes a fantastic James Stark.) Didn't realize it was a YA book. It doesn't really matter. I have read YA, but I am disappointed I didn't start Sanderson with one of his adult books.