1413. Ten Year Anniversary

Sameth on Nov. 6, 2019

When I came up with the name, it was meant to be ironic, especially since the Deadpool I used at the time was mad expensive on eBay since it was the only good Deadpool figure out at the time. The one I have now was hard to find, too, but cheaper. I decided back then that I didn’t want to admit that I picked the name ironically, but after ten years and near the end of the comic’s run, I figured this was an adequate time to explain it.

And I know I’ve mentioned ending Pegwarmers over the past few years, but I do plan on ending it in 2020. The thing is: I’ve been working towards doing a storyline and the one I had planned for a while ended up being too similar to Civil War so I need to replan it. Right now I’m trying to decide on the plot of the story arc (though I know what I want a good chunk of it to be)

Ironically, I quit collecting regular figures sometime in the middle of making Pegwarmers. Now I have some Funko Pops, but most of the superhero stuff I have is mostly bought with Pegwarmers in mind if at all. I haven’t purchased anything since Ant-Man and Gwenpool. Most of my figures that aren’t Pegwarmers regulars are kept in a drawer.