Taring the beaker

strixvanallen on Aug. 17, 2014

“Bicker” is an actual surname of Dutch origins in English, conveniently enough. For those city-dwelling folks and/or not Bible-wise, “tare” is a plant that look like wheat when it's young. I guess it's more or less common knowledge but who knows.//In Chemistry, “to tare” is the action of putting a conteiner in a scale and hitting the “tare” button to reset the weight to zero. This way, you can read the actual weight of the thing you are interested.//It was difficult to translate this one, since it was a pun. In Portuguese, the joke is totally different, due to “tared beaker” in Portuguese sounding exactly like “pervert Becker” in Portuguese (“tared”, in Portuguese is “tarado” and so is “pervert”). The blue-shirted guy is a creep in both, though.