...It looked bigger on TV.

Space Graffiti on Aug. 10, 2008

Hna-hah, what was I worried about? Everything is going to turn out beautifully. Like this page, for example, which doesn't look tacky at all. Nope, it sure doesn't. Not one iota. Nuh-uh. And featuring… sound effects in a vacuum! No, it makes sense, really! Just think of that sound that reaches your ears through your skull whenever you're ponked on the head. As for how he's breathing in space… that's a story for another time.

…Nice quote. And yeah, I've been stumbling along tutorial-less, too. Google seems to bring up pretty many, though I never used ‘em. It wasn’t until just today that I figured out to make a decent looking glow in the back to replace a truly horrific job with a watercolor brush.

…Someday I'll look back and laugh.