End of part one

Ozoneocean on Jan. 3, 2006

And so I come to the end of the first confusing series of five pages of Pinky TA…
I really should offer some explanation as to what was going on and how it bears on events later on in the comic. I don’t really like doing that, I like people to make their own judgments, but I fear many would just dismiss these five as a total non sequitur (what a stupid phrase that is ^_^)

Pinky is waiting in a central Asian desert… waiting for a helicopter. She shoots it down with here flame rifle. The gunner is dead, but the pilot comes over to meet her. Then it seems they wait for a third person, and in roars Cc on her blue motorbike. Cc unexpectedly attacks the pilot. This angers Pinky and so she knocks Cc down in retaliation. Meanwhile the pilot makes a run for it, he hops into another chopper and he’s gone!

So what is HAPPENING? Well later on if you’re observant, you find out that the pilot was Ace Kinkaid. The gryphon mark on Pinky’s arm and the choppers reappears later as well: as part of the embalm of the Crimean empire, to which Pinky belongs. Indeed, Pinky and Cc discuss this very subject during “the Party”.
There’s a war going on, war is “happening”. Pinky is a Colonel; she has some power, knowledge and responsibility. She’s a good soldier (sort off), and she’s idealistic. She wishes to end the war, and to that end she does her part. Cc is more subversive, she’s a spy. She doesn’t want to “end” the war, she wants to WIN it! Cc is idealistic too, but in a more twisted way… Sort of like the US Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld.

Ace here has connections, useful connections that could gain an advantage in negotiating the end of the war. Pinky’s attack on his chopper is all a setup in order for them to contrive a secret meeting. All they need is Cc and then they’re away. Cc doesn’t want to go down this route; she’s out to scupper things, so she begins to attack Ace, making it look as if she and Pinky were out to get him from the start. Ace had suspected treachery from both Pinky and Cc all along, so he puts his escape plan into effect immediately.

Regarding this page specifically though: the figure drawing is crappy, the pencilling is passable and there was no inking at all. The only real highlights are the helicopter drawings and the reasonable colouring.

A note:
I've decided to upload one page a day until I catch up with the main site. Just because I like to write about these pages and it's really hard to do that when I upload 10 at a go, (which I hate doing). Meanwhile, if you want to see the latest, just click the “Main site” link.