The party

Ozoneocean on Jan. 3, 2006

Page Description:
Pinky, like Pink, is going to a party. Ah that's a catchy song even if it is a bit silly “ahh-mm coming up so you better get this party started”. She's just had a shower, (sorry, you missed it), and now it's time to add the make-up, the ear plates etc.

More weirdo perspective! So much for all my training; I just threw it out the window and did my own thing for a while. This is page commences “the party” sequence, which lasted a bloody long while. The design of this page and the next two was thought up by Kim Vilimek, an occasional collaborator on my Pinky ideas at that time (about 2001 I think), so that's the reason some of the images look a bit different. I heavily re-did and re-drew it all of course, but some of her different style still shows through occasionally.
This is the first time you see her saggy lobes how they really are, without her earplates in!

See Kim's original designs here: