
Ozoneocean on Jan. 3, 2006

Page Description:
Pinky, Cc, and Rasovich all come together is discuss things. But Rasovich is mostly left out of it. He just doesn’t want things to turn too nasty and he knows that Cc is provoking Pinky, and perhaps letting out too much about current plans for his liking or her safety. Hmm, and they’re obliquely referring to their abortive actions at the start of the Pinky TA comic.

The colouring here was done by Jess Calcaben (Subculture). I’d entered a fan art completion for Bilaran wars, a comic Jess did with David Doub. In return for my sexy pic of his character Jene, Jess offered to colour a page from Pinky TA. Unfortunately I was pre shading all my work with grey then and that really limited Jess’s style because he wasn’t used to working that way. But in the end he still managed to come out with something pretty special AND he’s got all that trade-mark glowy light that really characterised his work at the time. In the later pages you can see how I tried to emulate that. This is the only page in the whole party sequence where the light on people’s clothes and skin go some way to being affected by the red shaded lanterns. You see why I learn from Jess?
Hmm, the gradients in the speech bubbles express the tone nicely.
This is another pic that went through some iterations. The original was a finished pencil sketch I’d just done for fun, mainly to design the costumes. Very quickly I decided the characters must be Pinky, Cc, and Captain Rasovich. Its place in the story and the tone of the dialogue was influence by the look of the original pic, not the other way around.

A note:
I've decided to upload one page a day until I catch up with the main site. Just because I like to write about these pages and it's really hard to do that when I upload 10 at a go, (which I hate doing). Meanwhile, if you want to see the latest, just click the “Main site” link.