Consigned to the sea

Ozoneocean on Jan. 20, 2006

*At the moment I’m just testing a new theme here:
It’s minimalist, aimed at either black and white ink comics or grey pencil work. Tell me what you think?

Page description:
Captain Rasovich gets the funeral on the foredeck out of the way as soon as he can. Men fin a salute in the air and the bodies are pushed of into the water.
Normally they’d do this at the stern of the ship but with all the damage, the repairs and the trouble it takes just for a few people to get there (let alone that amount of crew), they’re doing it on the bow instead.
Then over the course of a few days, repairs are made to the aft turret and Pinky is back to her old ways.

My favourite part here is the turret repair time lapse thing… That was somewhat inspired by the first episode of Robotech where they show the repairs of the SDF1. duckers here game me some helpful advice and so I made the text around the boxes a bit more pleasing for them.
The worst thing here is the bow of the Buccaneer! It’s terrible:
1). It’s too high out of the water.
2). There isn’t NEARLY enough machinery crammed all over it.
3). It’s too wide.
4). It’s just not the right shape! (looks more like the size and shape of a super tanker than an old super dreadnaught.).

A note:
Click the “Main site” link for the latest work. I’m uploading one page a day with commentary and explanations here.