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Lordee Z on Oct. 10, 2009
“If they're so rare, why are there three of them?”Magic, silly.
Castle Pokemetroid at 2:58PM, June 1, 2011
What The Fucking Shit Fuck Ass Fuck Am I Gonna Do Now? This comic is dead! Why?
DavynD at 7:02PM, July 5, 2010
Posting from my other account. Yeah, it's pretty much dead. :\ Sorry, guys.
xVegitox at 10:57AM, July 1, 2010
Yo MiiN UPDaTE THiiS THiiNG OoK? IiT's ThE SHiiT MiiN
Zoom the Hedgehog at 10:01AM, June 15, 2010
This comic's dead, IT'S DEAD. >:C
charliemew2 at 10:19PM, April 20, 2010
Since your on the site again and all, I thought I would post a WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK TO THIS COMIC!? That you will hopefully not restart again...
melvin2898 at 9:20PM, Jan. 8, 2010
So will you be coming back soon?
charliemew2 at 10:19PM, Jan. 3, 2010
is this dead?
Lordee Z at 12:20PM, Jan. 1, 2010
It would seem so, yeah.
melvin2898 at 9:48PM, Dec. 30, 2009
For months?
Lordee Z at 11:51AM, Dec. 28, 2009
I've been kinda busy with... well, life and stuff lately.
omegaman at 1:31PM, Dec. 23, 2009
XD I can't help but laugh at this strip. In my comic the main character becomes depressed when he finds out his first pokemon is a Beldum. But he's also an idiot so that'll be why.
melvin2898 at 10:58AM, Dec. 23, 2009
I don't get it.You are one of the best Pokemon comic makers on this site but you never update.
Jayden2305 at 6:41AM, Dec. 19, 2009
sbnt at 6:22AM, Dec. 2, 2009
awesomeness at 9:14AM, Oct. 11, 2009
Not magic silly! It's the Beldum mating season! And everyone knows that Beldum mate in threes!
xVegitox at 6:40AM, Oct. 11, 2009
Wow for a random stranger in a dark cave with a scouter, he's pretty generous.
Superpee at 1:09AM, Oct. 11, 2009
SuperNovaX at 11:21PM, Oct. 10, 2009
It's not magic, it's Pokemon Logic =/
Castle Pokemetroid at 2:58PM, June 1, 2011
What The Fucking Shit Fuck Ass Fuck Am I Gonna Do Now? This comic is dead! Why?
DavynD at 7:02PM, July 5, 2010
Posting from my other account. Yeah, it's pretty much dead. :\ Sorry, guys.
xVegitox at 10:57AM, July 1, 2010
Yo MiiN UPDaTE THiiS THiiNG OoK? IiT's ThE SHiiT MiiN
Zoom the Hedgehog at 10:01AM, June 15, 2010
This comic's dead, IT'S DEAD. >:C
charliemew2 at 10:19PM, April 20, 2010
Since your on the site again and all, I thought I would post a WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK TO THIS COMIC!? That you will hopefully not restart again...
melvin2898 at 9:20PM, Jan. 8, 2010
So will you be coming back soon?
charliemew2 at 10:19PM, Jan. 3, 2010
is this dead?
Lordee Z at 12:20PM, Jan. 1, 2010
It would seem so, yeah.
melvin2898 at 9:48PM, Dec. 30, 2009
For months?
Lordee Z at 11:51AM, Dec. 28, 2009
I've been kinda busy with... well, life and stuff lately.
omegaman at 1:31PM, Dec. 23, 2009
XD I can't help but laugh at this strip. In my comic the main character becomes depressed when he finds out his first pokemon is a Beldum. But he's also an idiot so that'll be why.
melvin2898 at 10:58AM, Dec. 23, 2009
I don't get it.You are one of the best Pokemon comic makers on this site but you never update.
Jayden2305 at 6:41AM, Dec. 19, 2009
sbnt at 6:22AM, Dec. 2, 2009
awesomeness at 9:14AM, Oct. 11, 2009
Not magic silly! It's the Beldum mating season! And everyone knows that Beldum mate in threes!
xVegitox at 6:40AM, Oct. 11, 2009
Wow for a random stranger in a dark cave with a scouter, he's pretty generous.
Superpee at 1:09AM, Oct. 11, 2009
SuperNovaX at 11:21PM, Oct. 10, 2009
It's not magic, it's Pokemon Logic =/