29: A Quick Catch Up
Discet on March 26, 2008
seriosly this is going to be once a week for a while Im more devoted to SE then PDF right now. I REALLLLLLLLLY NEED HELP WITH A CUSTOM SCENE IF YOU CAN HELP PQ ME.
I cannot continue the comic nor attempt to until someone gets that to me I cant do it myself I always fail -_-
MonkeysaidWut at 2:43PM, April 28, 2009
wow looking at when people commented this is really old
Discet at 12:08PM, April 9, 2009
Please admins disreguard the admin review I hit the wrong button
Discet at 11:55AM, April 9, 2009
if it wasn't obvious by now, this is dead. Sorry I didn't have the skill to continue the story I started
Devvy at 3:21PM, July 31, 2008
when do you plan to update again...
OmegaProtoman at 9:44PM, July 18, 2008
...wen u gonna update
Discet at 6:27PM, March 27, 2008
its true he does
ManaBlitz at 6:12PM, March 27, 2008
I know what it really is O:
Seelinkrun11 at 5:24PM, March 27, 2008
lol Walrus xD
ManaBlitz at 1:05PM, March 27, 2008
Walrus at 1:02PM, March 27, 2008
I know what P.T.R.D.B. stand for! Put That Back Right There Damn Bitch
ManaBlitz at 7:07AM, March 27, 2008