awesomeness on Oct. 31, 2009
Here's the story people, when I last updated, I was so busy I was… something. But I'm not that busy anymore.
During the time I was on hiatus, I got photoshop, A Bamboo One, and better spriting skills.I also turned 13 for the first time!
Also, I realised the day I started DDing, November 16th is just around the corner. I'll celebrate by making a new account!
It's called SillyGrape.
At the end of the day, this comic will be deleted.
Then, you can all go back to my new account, and it will be started again on my new account.
pokemastah at 3:56PM, Dec. 29, 2009
mah comic ish bettah
pokemastah at 3:56PM, Dec. 29, 2009
mah comic ish bettah
Princess_Eevee9 at 5:55PM, Dec. 1, 2009
Yo Awesome can you link me PS or wha?
Limzee at 4:27PM, Nov. 2, 2009
Well, you only turn thirteen twice. :3 It's a special day! 8D I remember I liked being thirteen because three is my favorite number. 8D Or something.... Idk, I was weird at thirteen. o-O
awesomeness at 1:22PM, Nov. 2, 2009
Thanks. For those of you wondering about the comic, photoshop is being gay. It won't let me save, so it may take a while.
PKNESS at 1:07PM, Nov. 2, 2009
Frickin sweet!
Brawllucas at 9:33AM, Nov. 2, 2009
whoa ur thirteen? im 14. but anyways, congrats on being 13. woooooo.
Zoom the Hedgehog at 12:28PM, Nov. 1, 2009
Ah, I remember when I turned 13. I was more emo then anything cause I'm like, "OH NOES I'M NOT A KID ANYMORE FFFFFFFF" meh...