Comic #123: Thank You For Your Patience

MysteriousJeff on Feb. 12, 2019

*inhales* Better late than never. The thing is, where most comics would just stay dead (and indeed other comics of mine are in fact perma-dead), PYC stuck around and continues to stick around in my head. I do want to finish it in my lifetime, so I've decided no trying to fancy relaunch or anything, but just, try to make new pages.

Even if I can't get as fast as others, I do want to tell this story. And hopefully I won't cause another decade delay mid-arc again.

I don't know if anyone who read this back during 2006-2010 is still interested/reading, but if you are, it's like the title says: Thank You For Your Patience!

Another thing I want to mention is that I'm focusing the ComicFury version of PYC as the main one (because of the layout control+toggle-able transcript). I do plan for the Duck version to go up to the end of this arc for sure, though whether I'll continue mirroring afterwards is anyone's guess.