I can has new pen!!

crifmer on May 20, 2008

Annnnnnnnnd we're back!

Posted will now update every Wednesday. I should be able to keep up with a once-a-week schedule, especially since I have two more strips “in the can.” I've just felt a little rushed lately and a bit burnt out, and I'd rather not give you a comic than give you a comic I felt was not the best I could do.

That said, this is not the best I could do, but it's not a bad start. This is the first comic with the new pen. I love the new pen. It's sleek, it's stylish, it's a lot easier to use and I ink quicker. Unfortunately, I need a lot more control when using it, so there will be a learning curve going on. Hopefully the quality won't suffer too much for it. This comic was actually drawn after the next two, but I thought it was a nice little introduction to the new(er) style. The next two comics will be a bit of a mashup of old and new inking pens.

So welcome back.. I hope I haven't been gone so long you've forgotten me.