
ShadowGamer on Jan. 29, 2024

Shadow is talking to Dorkwinkle. The character “Sparkit” from Palworld is there, brandishing a pistol.
Shadow: Have you heard of this game Palworld? It’s basically about Pokemon with guns. There might be more to it than that. I refuse to educate myself.

Dorkwinkle: Pokemon with guns? But why would Pokemon ever have guns?

Shadow and Sparkit stare at him.

Dorkwinkle: Pokemon already have powerful attacks that use elements such as fire and rocks to induce fainting in their opponents. For what earthly reason could they require firearms?

Shadow and Sparkit look at each other.

Sparkit puts his gun up to Dorkwinkle’s head.

Dorkwinkle: This has serious lore implications! Are these ersatz-pokemon allowed to use firearms in officially-sanctioned in-universe tournaments? How is this regulated?

Dorkwinkle: And how is it competitively balanced for Pokemon who are unable to operate firearms, such as Mantyke, or Weezing? Or are such specimens absent from the Palworld roster?

Dorkwinkle: Furthermore, since firearms do not deal increased damage based on the capabilities of the wielder, I worry that this would disincentivize evolution…
Sparkit’s gun: Ch-chh!