Spacehawk's Space Madness Page 4

Air Raid Robertson on Sept. 20, 2009

The biggest challenge of this page was how to render the jumbo-sized bottom panel. I decided to eliminate the panel borders around it so that it would look more open and expansive. I thought it served as an apt rendering of Spacehawk's descent into madness.

The imagery itself I consider to be influenced mainly by Steve Ditko and Pedro Bell. However, I wanted it to look a little rough, a little raw, and a little unpolished.

I was a bit unsure about the alien though. I thought it might be better to add a brush to his outlined frame in order to make him stand out a little better. On the other hand, I sorta liked how he melted into the background.

I ultimately decided to keep it the way it is.

When I first came up with the idea of this story I immediately thought of the phrase “I've been considerably more doomed than that in the past, and I turned out fine.” I'm glad that I got to use it here.

Oh, and it's always nice when I can shoehorn in a bear wearing a silly hat.