-Xmas filler-

Ulrika on Dec. 23, 2009

Have a Merry Xmas guys!
Today only filler, I'm starting again with comic next Thursday. Writing MA thesis, upcoming graduation and job really stole my time, so I had to take a break, but the story continues on 31st December.

I hope you all will have a peaceful and happy time during these holidays, and I hope the winter in your countries are not as cold as here. Last week it was -18 and I thought my lungs were freezing when I went out ;)

Btw. for those who ask, no, that's not me with my gf on the avatar. It's a picture from Bergman's film “Persona”, as I'm very fond of his films and especially this one (it's not about lesbians :P ). My girlfriend would probably kill me if I put her photo here ;) Anyway enoug of my talking, see you soon, and have a good time during Xmas. Hugs!