Grown-ups Quarreling [Finished project version]

RaiteLi on July 30, 2007

This poem, Listening to Grownups Quarreling, tells of the struggles of an elder sibling’s feelings as Grownups quarrel. The Impact of figurative language is very powerful-especially lined 7 and 8 if the Title counted as line 1-because, even in prose, there is not much emotion. Emotion, in anything, is important, because, it shows that you know what you’re talking about. Figurative language, good ones at least, you can visualize. Thereby, this is visualization, the pictures of devastation made by none other than I (granted, its not the best thing I could’ve drawn, but you’ve got to work with the spurs of creativity before the leave), that shows everything described, down to the pingpong ball (I admit, it’s hidden, but its there). If its not clear in the picture, the little one is looking upwards, and the elder is looking downwards crying, which is showing that this is all an internal thing. As well as, if it is not clear, those things beside that eye-less cat are the eyes of the little brother, and his half the page is where the flood had ended, the leaf is separated and detached and the cat has gotten the mouse. By drawing the picture I’ve gotten a better understanding of the poem, the pain of grownups quarreling.

That was the paragraph turned into English.. not exactly the best.. but whatever.