People with no consciences!

Conned on April 27, 2007

Notes about the page: Aie, I love that drawing of me being stealthy! this page is the shit.
Only there's a problem with my anatomy…I'm never as tall as my friends. Why is everyone so short?! ey? Grow some for me!

I reaaaaally hate it when people say something rude about someone else and they say it LOUD ENOUGH FOR THEM TO HEAR IT.

Some one actually said “ewww Leone look how ugly that baby looks” while the mother was right beside us! I almost died. By shouting it she not only made herself look like a bitch but she also made me look like one!

Just think how the mother felt hearing that! Cruel cruel!

My life rules:
1) Do not be judgemental
2) Do not tease anyone for something they cannot change

If someone said that about me or done anything cruel to me without saying sorry, my mother would have kicked their ass in public. IT has actually happened before…my mum made such a fuss they gave us free toys XD Some guy pushed my brother (4 years old) and wouldn't say sorry.

If you're going to talk about someone behind their back, at least whisper it! By letting them hear it is so cruel and essentially you're damaging their selfesteme…WHICH SOME PEOPLE HAVE LITTLE AMOUNT OF!

I also don't believe in whispering and complaining about someone when you're not going to do anything about it…because then you have no right to complain.

Cruel people without consciences; Take a Fist of Fury!