Oopps.. BloodHound

n_y_japlander on Oct. 28, 2007

The Halloween strips are coming to a close… just a couple more days, and it would have came and went!

Today BloodHound makes a cameo!
The Midge is the brains behind this awesome graphic book! I faved it after the first read, as I'm sure you will as well! He is also one of the nicest people I have “ran” in to here! He has helped me so much when I was new here, and had no clue…
Any how… if you have not seen BloodHound you should check it out now! (Tell him Melvin sent you)

Two more days until Halloween, I hope that Melvin can find a costume to suit him…

*note* The BloodHound I choose to draw here is from here right off the pages of the BloodHound sketch book….

Hope you enjoy!!!!
