Costume teaser...

n_y_japlander on Oct. 29, 2007

As promised… the continuation of this mornings page…
if you did not see it press the back button…
Not feeling much better, just had a lllllllllllooooooooootttttttt of time on my hands at work to pencil this page.
Inked it on the computer when I came home…. now around 1:50 Am (Japan time) almost 12 hours sense I up-loaded.

For those of you who thought you would see Melvin's costume today… It's NOT halloween yet!!!
Tomorrow is the day!!!!!
Thanx for reading!!!!


*the cashier dude is saying the price in Japanese… ichi man= 10,000, go sen= 5,000 hiyapuhaku= 800 ju ni= 12…