Chapter Two Cover

Sameth on Sept. 20, 2019

I'm hoping we get to that ghost around Halloween, but I don't know. I wrote some scripts for chapter two, but I didn't count them to figure out when the ghost appears.

I've had the idea for this cover for a while now. I said last time I had a bit of a hard time designing covers, but this has been stuck in my head for a while and it actually looks fairly accurate to what I had in mind, so I'm happy about that.

So…my idea for ghosts (because there's no in universe explanation) is that they don't necessarily have to look like what they did in life and depending on how they died (trying not to give away too much), might be more evil looking.

So while I was writing the book and then the script, I had in my mind's eye kind of a mixture between Wuya from Shaolin Showdown and Venom. This is not too far off from what I had in mind.