Issue Ten page 51--Kiss of the Fairy Queen

ipokino on Nov. 1, 2009

I have to tell you guys, I will be terrifically happy when it is time to leave the Pixies behind…as much as I love the little critters, and enjoy their presence in the story (which darn if they haven't sort of taken over…) the sheer amount of rendering time they consume is scary. Each panel is currently taking between 6 to 10 renders to get right, with frozen Poser occurring often–which means a complete program reboot. I don't know what it is about juxtaposing small characters with large that Poser doesn't like, but it really doesn't!
Anyway, at least two pages this week, I think, and you can see full sized panel renders of this page on the Extras. I have to crop and dialogue each panel, so the art that is lost can be seen on the Extra Pages at full rezz and size…if you'd like.

Also, WoOZ (Wizard of Oz–sorta…) is back on X Up, Plymayer's book. Good stuff with Dorothy and the Witch…as well as some fan art of mine that I am told may be appearing there also! Cool beans! Go check it out if you are over eighteen!