- Gay agendas, 2
- All the little unborn children, 2
- Theological cannibalism
- All the little unborn children
- Public nuisance
- The economy
- Don't like America?
- I certainly don't hope something does happen to you
- Malevolent speech
- Double, no...TRIPLE God
- A big bowl of idiocy
- Some questions can't really be answered
- Open discourse or everyone shuts up
- Kentucky takes the plunge
- Two E. coli discussing the problem of evil
- Inorganic farming
- Selective Big Brother government
- It's that time of year again
- Offensive art
- Fireburndoctor: threats instead of proof
- Fire burns healing, long-distance
- Adult conversations
- Oprah sings the inanities
- Of lemmings and men
- Universe versus the self image, take two
- Dick
- Holy water
- Makeovers
- Sin and sinners
- And so they fought back
- Abortions and hermaphrodites
- Anti-science duck
- Evidently
- Homeopathy and AIDS
- The worship of casual malevolence
- Dick-tionaries...heh, I typed "dick"
- Lights and tunnels
- Sticks and stalks
- Proof of creation
- Slug marriage
- It's in the water!
- Voices from on high
- The root of the problem
- Snow problem
- Disaster preaching
- Godly tests
- How I save myself daily
- Past life regression
- Morality, as weighed against gods
- Just a metaphor
- The consensus = the man
- Designed metaphors
- The oncoming zombie apocalypse
- Indoctrination begets confusion
- Apes denying ape evolution
- Build-a-Conspiracy!
- Someone's Attempting Science
- Atheism, For Dummies
- Sublimation!
- Holy Multiple-Personality Disorder
- Dastardly Atheists
- Zounds! Zygotes!
- Big Words
- Force of Good in Teh Wurld
- Gay Agendas On Sale
- Atomic Number Change Operation
- Heil Creationism!
- Argumentum ad Ignorantiam
- All Your Private Life
- Meat is Murder
- The Bigotry Quota
- Military Muslims
- Limitations
- What If...?
- Number Worship
- Insolvent Logic
- For The Children
- All Your Pillars
- It's All So Gay, Part Deux
- Cargo Cults
- The Backwards Method
- Water, Water, Water, Everywhere
- Businesses
- Fiction, No?
- Breaking Wind
- Oh, Hypocrites
- Gold Miners
- Cool Story, Bra
- Royal Flushing
- Abstinence Education
- Christians and Atheists
- Scientific Methodology
- Creationist Math
- Moon Science
- Sharia Law
- Mud Puddles
- Oh noes
- Atheist Jihad
- Out of Place Intelligence
- Swine Fluid
- The Aisle
- Pork Barrels
- Comfortable Success
- Tax Brackets
- Buzzwords 2
- 15 Pound Hamburger
- Pickles
- Drillage
- Pray Again Later
- Community Organizers
- It's A Party
- Power Of Diversity
- Only In America
- Ask A Politician
- Buzzwords
- Old People
- Socialism Security
- Class Warfare
- Robot Overlords
- Reaganomics
- Real Men
- What Can You Do?
- The Drinking Game
- Traffic Signs
- Exercise Stinks
- Potato Genocide
- Investing Game
- The Three Pros
- Sex Makes Babies
- Don't Need Change
- Investment Bankers
- Bible Thumpers
- Pro-Family
- Absolutely
- Furries
- What You Say?
- Turn Signals
- Yet More Ass Writing
- Getting Organized
- Monaaaaay!
- Artists
- Genetic Engineering
- Gun Problems
- Intolerance
- Sunspots
- We Need Some Convincing
- Saving Grace
- The Rules of Mardi Gras
- Noah Way
- Honor Students
- Something's Wrong
- Asshat For President, 2008!
- Resolutions 2008
- XMas
- Abort! Abort!
- A Failure Of English Proportions
- ...And Then A Miracle Happened
- And Then There Was...
- It's Over Done!
- Tentacle Rape
- It Puts The Jesus On Its Skin
- Bad Hair Forever
- Let It Rain
- Chuck'N Nuggets
- The Next Generation...Of Idiocy
- The Decider: On Water Bills
- It's All So Gay
- Lowd Muzik
- Failure Of Intelligence
- Calling The Kettle Black
- All The Other Gods Been Waitin'
- 2nd Amendment Idiocy
- Boob Cancer Awareness
- Break Out The Beers
- Voting Problems
- I Don't Want To Buy The World A Coke
- LOL Creation
- Ratings, Go!
- Genocide, HO!
- Hypocrisy
- OFF!
- High On Life
- Nubs
- Boobs!
- This War Isn't Real Enough
- Hand-held Oppression
- @#!? Jesus!
- Ass Writing
- Why Not?
- God Blessed America
- Click Here For Fart Noises
- Cheerleading Is Not A Sport
- How To--
- New Racism
- Spin Zone Ahead!
- Abortion Control
- The P.D.A.
- Senate Slaves, Cue!
- Mountain Sage: 0, Big Business: Over 9000
- Can't Sleep, Cheney'll Shoot Me
- Easy Button
- No Child Left Behind? What About The Teachers?!
- Holy Secret Service, Batman!
- Buy A Car!
- Oil Is Black, Innit?
- Am I Popular Yet?
- Now With 50% More Jesus Jokes
- Middle-Eastern Neighbor's Commitments
- Magic-8 Ball of Democracy!
- In The Beginning...
In The Beginning...
Kilre on Oct. 29, 2007
Welp, this is the inaugural page of my political satire comic, “Row and Bee”. I write it when I've got something to bitch about, and in today's sad sad world there's a lot to bitch about. I'm also extremely biased to the far left. I'm in the process of learning to critique my own viewpoints and hate on the liberals, too, but when I made this page…eh, sometimes the liberals do need a smack upside the head.