The colors are good, great job at atmosphere too, my only suggestion, which you are free to completely ignore, is that the 3rd panel could have shown a little bit more what is lying bleeding on the ground(dragon, plant, plant-animal?)as it's really unrecognizable, other than that the comic looks nice.
Janen at 7:30PM, April 26, 2007
The colors are good, great job at atmosphere too, my only suggestion, which you are free to completely ignore, is that the 3rd panel could have shown a little bit more what is lying bleeding on the ground(dragon, plant, plant-animal?)as it's really unrecognizable, other than that the comic looks nice.
rana at 1:30PM, April 26, 2007
i loves the teeth:3
oneminutecomics at 11:46AM, April 26, 2007
Now this looks gorgeous, first time I saw this comic. Need to keep a look out for it.
slimredninja at 10:43AM, April 26, 2007
awesome looking page great color work
Friedenmann at 10:40AM, April 26, 2007
Wow. I bet this is goin' to be really cool soom^^