I'm sad

Stickfodder on March 11, 2009

I had a package delivered today. But the wind here today is averaging around 23 mph with gusts up to 40. My mailbox isn't attached to the ground to protect is from snowplows. It apparently blew over popped open and my fucking package blew away in the god damn wind. That's $15 literally blown away in the wind. The worst part of all this? It was a Game Genie for my SNES. I'VE WANTED ONE OF THOSE SINCE I WAS A LITTLE KID! I finally buy one and it's blown away and I can't find it. I fricken walked two miles down my road and back to try and find it and I didn't find shit. I might just kill someone.

Personally I'm hoping that some kind stranger finds it and returns it to me. Hay stranger things have happened.