baby doll daily on Feb. 3, 2011
lol, Milo, I heart u.
LOOK. It's David! Mentioned way back in issue one. Lychotia misses him, Milo still feels his influence… but why isn't David still around?
And do we all notice where we've seen his handsome face before?
Bonny at 1:03AM, Aug. 4, 2012
Cool art n intriguing story!!! Truly great noir tale...
fredphx at 10:46AM, Sept. 4, 2011
Baby Doll Daily, are you still alive?
baby doll daily at 7:26PM, Feb. 8, 2011
That's a great compliment :D.
Andre61 at 1:17PM, Feb. 8, 2011
I'm not in to black and white comics but I like this one
alejkhan at 9:56AM, Feb. 4, 2011
Yeah, that uniform is totally adorable.
baby doll daily at 1:10AM, Feb. 4, 2011
Let me add an AWW for Lychotia in her old uniform, and the remark that 'Kevin' has the most bogan tattoo ever.