Prologue (REMAKE) (Part 1)

ReroOnyx on Jan. 6, 2024

Well here it is folks, at long last the beginning of the Saga's Remake. Here's the Prologue (First Half). I've been working on this for the past several months now, drawing, re-drawing, getting sick and having to take several weeks off, it's been something. But here it is and I'll get Part 2 posted ASAP.

I'm going to keep the older pages up, both for posterity but mostly because I don't want to get rid of all the comments and support that have shown up along the way. I feel it would be somewhat rude to delete the hundreds of comments you all have given.

But there's that, here's the beginning of the NEW “Sagas of the Wide Winged World.”

You can also start enjoying the series here:

(And with the full Prologue too if you wish)