It's just like that day...

Violet on Feb. 2, 2006

OK…this took me forever and a year!!!I have been working on this one for the past three days!!! I know my demeter suggests that I'm a hypereactive little nutjob who is highped up on caffinated beverages but I'm not. Amazingly I need to sleep, eat, and ocassionaly go to the bathroom so that cuts my work time to ho about… the rest of my life!
I'm never drawing a comic with this meny pannels again…I need to be simple, simple like the simple things that keep me entertainded…like that bendy pencil trick or rubber bands. I love rubber bands!
please excuse the last pannels I kind of got fed up and said to myself “aww screw it!” Also that the best I cold do with Norris transforming so don't be hard on me I'M NEW AT THIS!!!

Norris is so badass, he's like the best of both worlds. like one minute hes all like cute and you want to hug him but then he bites your head off…I love that.
Also I'm sorry about the page size I tryed to shrink it but if you all want to read it then It's gotta stay that way. sorry I'll try to work on it…