
Senretsu on May 12, 2009

Vin and a mysterious stranger clash briefly in the matrix.

A fairly simple issue, mainly because I decided on a few things to make my comic more accessable.

First of all, I've vowed to use LESS TEXT PER COMIC.
Not only can I stretch this mini series into a superfuckingomgwhylong series if I use less text (Like Dragon Ball Z!) I can also include more visual action, which, I guess this comic sometimes lacks, at least, I'm capable of much more.

Second: Gabriel & Vinnie's “sprites” (that is, their persona icons) are, Quite obviously, Porgon & Senretsu, respectively. I did this for fun, so that I would have to work less on specialized “Matrix Personas” for my characters, and also to hammer in which character belongs to who into my readers heads.

Anyway, I've got an update for D&D slated in the near future, keep your eyes peeled guys!