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shadowbeowolfXD on April 11, 2009
Happy Easter!
shadowbeowolfXD at 5:25PM, Feb. 7, 2010
@ whoever Anonymous is:*STABBITY,STABBITY*Don't go around the interwebs randomly dissing peoples comics. @ ChrisTH:I have gotten better.Also...*stabs repeatedly*
ChrisTH at 7:27PM, May 3, 2009
I agree, it really hurts my eyes, you need to work on your sprites, if you need help pq me
anonymous at 6:32PM, April 12, 2009
shadowbeowolfXD at 5:25PM, Feb. 7, 2010
@ whoever Anonymous is:*STABBITY,STABBITY*Don't go around the interwebs randomly dissing peoples comics. @ ChrisTH:I have gotten better.Also...*stabs repeatedly*
ChrisTH at 7:27PM, May 3, 2009
I agree, it really hurts my eyes, you need to work on your sprites, if you need help pq me
anonymous at 6:32PM, April 12, 2009