MOPA 026

xailenrath on Jan. 13, 2019

Well, it's been almost 2 years since that last MOPA strip was made.
I won't go into all the crap I've been through, but, the highlight was losing a leg to diabetes, exactly one year ago today (as of the day this post should debut- January 13th, 2019). Needless to say, I have been a bit on the depressed and unproductive in my art side for WAAAAYYY too long.
I am just now coming out of it, and making comics again. I have decided to go back to MOPA, at least temporarily, in order to change or end it.

As of this writing I haven't decided which, yet, but, the autobiography aspect doesn't really seem to be too positive anymore, and, to be honest, it hasn't been for quite some time.
I wanted this to be a COMIC, not a drawn-out, illustrated suicide note.

I am endeavoring to lighten the fuck up, and, I think that this comic should too.
If I keep it, I need to change the name, first and foremost. My Own Personal Apocalypse, though apt, sounds just a bit too emo.

I have to change the main character - Octavius aka semi-fictionalized ME - to someone LIKE me, but, once more a fictionalized version like he started out as, so that I don't cram all my personal issues into a poor put-upon cartoon.

I don't have a concrete plan as of yet, but, I do wanna get back to the joy and frivolity of the original Shrimp Fried Riot, and decide on an art style.
The model for the characters changed from the original chibi-ish style and I kinda want to go back to that.

We'll see what happens, but, for now, I wanna get a couple of personal things out, then put this version of the comic to rest.