MOPA 035

xailenrath on Jan. 31, 2019

Those who've read Shrimp Fried Riot from the beginning may remember Fen.
You may also remember that Fen was male. I recently took stock (via Facebook), and I didn't realize just how many transgendered people are in my old circle of friends!
Truly a social phenomenon that, had you told me that back in my earlier years, raised on the East Coast, and in the deep south, about how diverse and eclectic my social circle would be, I would have disbelieved…
and the assholes who raised me would have called you horrible names and tried to assault you for even suggesting that one of their kin would associate with “those people”.
This is why I fucking left when I did.

Anywho, Fen returns after all these years and, along with Boots, advises Octavius that perhaps closing this chapter in his illustrated, factuallly fictional life might be best.