MOPA 041

xailenrath on Dec. 1, 2019

Nobody calls me on my own bullshit like my own characters.
Zed is less than pleased with the idea of his comic being discontinued.
I would be, too, particularly considering his origins.

He was originally to be “me” by way of Charlie Brown. An avatar of my own depression and self loathing.
Later, I made a comic whereas he was sort of an avatar of the insomnia I was having, wherein when he didn't sleep, he could see ghosts - chiefly, his deceased ex-girlfriend, Xaria Kirby.

Eventually, I brought him into “Sick of Superheroes”.
Despite my crotchety Gen X'er philo that “superhero comics were better back then”, I STILL love them.
(Despite all the sociopolitical nonsense that pervades them, these days.)
I did make Zed a superhero as a kneejerk response to the “Male Power Fantasy” thing. I deliberately made him just that.
Tall, strong, handsome, powerful, wise, etc… also, he got laid.
A lot.
Apparently, Zed doesn't want to lose that.