Happy Birthday (Announcement)

Priceman on Sept. 18, 2007

This has pretty much been me for the last two weeks: Exhausted!

Even though today is my birthday, I spent it working like a dog. Meeting, daily labor, school, etc. No rest I tells ya, none!

Every comic misses an update, and it looks like you can add Silvershot to the list. My sincerest apologies to the SS faithful, but I couldn't even muster a filler last week. I do, however, intend on finishing the chapter with the next page. Perhaps i'll do a double-size page to show how sorry I am. Then you'll forgive me, right?……RIGHT?!

Anyway, there's lots of good news on this day. Besides my lowered car insurance, I should be done with my Associates degree! This means that there is nothing in my way to keep me from attending art school in January!

Hopefully by this time next year, i'll have reached a higher plane of skill and actually get featured on the front page or something.

Catch you all soon