Chapter 2 Title

Priceman on Nov. 8, 2007

Well, I had a few more intermission pages I wanted to do, along with the “Ask Silvershot” section. However, I think you guys have been patient enough (that and there were very few questions asked :( ).

Anyway, time to get back to the story.

Can't say that i'm disappointed at this page, i'm surprised my coloring skillz aren't completely suckworthy. Though Zera's hair does look a bit too puffy, and I still suck at drawing hands. This chapter will introduce the co-star of the comic, Zack (as well as several other main characters).

I was planning on spending time to write a decent script for this one (i've been going off my imagination since page 10). I sure you all will like it nonetheless.

I posted an announcement about the coloring contest in the forums, you can read it Here . Spread the word please.

Please remember to vote for Silvershot at Buzzcomix

Catch ya next week