No Rest For The Wicked

brsjak on Aug. 30, 2011

I am afraid to confirm what the twelve of you have already guessed - Sith Happens will most likely be no more.

Well, although the end of SH is almost certain, I don't feel right ending it mid-story, so I might as well put up some closure to this particular arc. I will update a few more comics mostly irregularly (two exams right now) and will then move on. I am hoping that Number 61 will be done by tomorrow.

I am planning a new webcomic, one centered in a world I created personally (full history and all) and one that will hopefully attract more of an audience than a Star Wars fancomic. Actually, if things go rather well and there is ever some renewed interest in Sith Happens (I will be sure to link everything and so on), I will continue the story.

Also, Lucas is a nerf herder AND HIS NEW BLURAY SUCKS!