Hunter in Peril! Kaizer to the Rescue!

Euron on Aug. 5, 2009

I love the second to last panel. Even if the fingers are weird. I just don't give a shit, cause it's freakin' awesome. x3

I'm working on the next pages design now and should start it (and maybe have it done) by tomorrow, which could mean Saturday update. :3
I have to crank out as many pages as I can before I leave for New Hampshire. I'm leaving the 15th this year. Yes, that's next Saturday, I know. I seriously can't wait~! A WHOLE WEEK AWAY FROM NELSON! THAT MAKES ME SO DAMN HAPPY!!!
Anyway, I'll have to auto-update the pages then. Justsoyouallknow. ;o

Orite, I'm on SmackJeeves now. I believe the link to it's on my page, so just click mah avie and go check it out plz, kthnx.