You're married to the mafia.

turkinaa on Oct. 7, 2007

This was meant to be the first of almost a spin off comic world, a world of crime lords and mystery. After taking an organized crime class, I was pretty sure you could do a comic based on illicit activities.

I stole my nickname from Futurama, because it is one of my favorite shows ever (so is the Critic, I love defunct TV shows). John's of course has to do with a part of his body. Jess had a name, but I made this after he stopped working on the strip so I just named him something I always think about whenever I hear his last name. Plus I think it sounds bad ass in a wussie kinda way. The clown was my own brilliance and not meant to be fashioned after anyone. Thank you Jess for capturing his badness, you knew exactly what needed to be done.

While I never really got the spin off/alternate story line, Jess did make a one strip thats “outside” the story line and once in a while we made references to our mafia names. Other strip ideas were in the works, but never made it out.