Sonic and the Gang #25: Hamtaro Speaks!

SuperSonic104 on Dec. 14, 2008

Its funny how Daniel says he will help them, and yet he's lost already. And Hamtaro says his first word, thats at least reconizable to them.

Ericthehedgheog, I know youre going to read this comic because you always do. I can always count on you to read them. If you havent read the comment I left on the previous comic “Its easy for Eric” go back and read it because i responded to your comment. To make the long story short, I shouldnt have to ask you for advice, you should just give it to me when you want to. But if you need me to ask, here it is: Can you please give me advice, on this page and not through a PQ? I dont want to ask you for advice,so please dont make me, it makes me feel desprate.