Space Patrol: Adventures Arrive August, 2009...
merej on July 5, 2009
In August, 2009 I will begin doing a daily update for SPACE PATROL stories. Expect funny adventures from Ash, Jay, Clipper, Krik, and the rest. I'm spending time this month writing the stories / jokes / adventures and coordinating the crossover event with my MEREJ comic. Peace.
KDog at 4:19PM, July 15, 2020
Come back!
JerVerse at 11:54AM, Jan. 10, 2018
This looks great!
merej at 12:59PM, July 20, 2009
I think it's hilarious that after I posted this and saw positive responses, I just went ahead and started the comic the next day instead of waiting until August.
megagregar98 at 7:49PM, July 6, 2009
forgot to rate
timlight at 11:21AM, July 6, 2009
up! up! and away!
megagregar98 at 11:09AM, July 6, 2009