Chapter 1: The First Voyage
Gustaa on Sept. 25, 2010
Possibly first Stargate Sprite comic ever! :D Hope you do enjoy! This won't have any system of updating, (like every saturday or so), but I am AIMING FOR one update in a week. I'm holding my other comic project (Paper Cuts) as primary project.
Also thanks to NouNou for little help with the text on this page.
darth_paul at 7:07AM, Sept. 27, 2010
Alright. I'll give this a shot. Nice opening panel.
Erdnaxel at 5:18PM, Sept. 26, 2010
fuck yea Nice background BTW.
KademonsterX at 2:10PM, Sept. 26, 2010
Ohhh, snap, here we go. Lets go, GUSTAAAAAA!!!!