#067 - An Unparalleled Act of Selflessness

driver16 on July 8, 2006

Hey, dear readers! Seen any tumbleweeds rolling across our home page lately? Well, let's just put a stop to that right now; Here's the latest “Stickguy”. And since you've had to wait so long for the next one, I colorized it just for you. Also, it's Superman-related so it kind of needed color anyway.
Well, now that I'm back from vacation I'm trying very hard to get back on my normal posting schedule. For all of you that are still waiting for the next Here There Be Robots page, just know that I'm hard at work on it whenever I can catch a spare minute (the pages with pirates always take me longer to draw).
So, anyway, have a good weekend and enjoy the latest strip. It's heartwarming and tragic like every good “Stickguy” strip should be.