ST 003

Jennifer Roggeveen on Aug. 8, 2014

My first page with actual story elements, I am so excited. This is a long term endeavor but I am looking forward to it.

Ichigo's parents died in a car crash when she was three. She was also in the car, but children's heavy duty car seats is what saves her life. She made it out without any permanent damage. Ichigo's mom Mia died on impact, her dad Midori died very soon after reaching the hospital. Their death's was an accident, they were t-boned by a drunk driver, she also died on impact.

PS I am a terrible speller, so if you notice any spelling mistakes (in the comic, I don't care about here in my blog so much) feel free to point them out, but I do try really hard to catch the mistakes
before I post a page.

ST CH.1 p.3, 6.75“ x 10.75”, Ink Drawing & shaded in Photoshop. Original Date Posted: June 16th 2013. Re-do Date Posted: May 17th 2014