The first comic
theduckofanime on Sept. 14, 2006
First off, every character in here, is owned by Capcom. Not me. I'm just puttin them in for a serrious sprite comic.
This is getting started due to all the tournament comics I've seen. Using slow action, and next to no plot, I want to prove a plot can be used, and action can be more than one page is one fight.
I want to try and be true to the game, and PLEASE be brutal in rating.
theduckofanime at 11:22PM, Sept. 15, 2006
God I hate 12. And yeah, I'm trying to find the balance, next thing I'm going to play with is layout, seeing if by putting in more pannels in different shapes will make it better. I want it to feel right, but this is seeming like somethin you need to read a few pages at a time.
Svenyip at 10:28PM, Sept. 15, 2006
Tomcat - he probably got the sprites from somewhere similar to zweifuss. And the trick with a comic like this, I'd imagine, is finding the proper balance. One page a fight might not be enough, but holding your audience's interest for more than a few pages with the Ryu/Ken battle that's gone on in arcades for fifteen years could be a challenge. Still, it's better than a comic starring Necro and Twelve. :D
theduckofanime at 9:39PM, Sept. 15, 2006
I noticed the text after I had set it up. I gotta work on that.
lefarce at 9:02PM, Sept. 15, 2006
Only problem is the text. It's too big and reaches over too far. Other then that, top notch, great, writing, and a legit excuse to use the hadoken.
theduckofanime at 8:55PM, Sept. 15, 2006
I should probably blur ryu a bit. And the panneling I can fix easy.
Rich at 8:51PM, Sept. 15, 2006
Teh good - Clear and easy to see. - Easy to read text. - It's not Sonic or Megaman! - Sound effects! - No recolors! - NO AUTHOR CHARACTERS!!! - No bitmixing! Teh bad - White panelling sucks ass. - You probably could use some sort of motion trails when whatshisname is jumping (I don't know these people. I've never played Street Fighter in my life. VIRTUA FIGHTER FTW!) Teh ugly - White panelling REALLY REALLY sucks.
theduckofanime at 8:33PM, Sept. 15, 2006
I did a google search for street fighter sprite. I don't remember the site, but the sprite rips are frame by fram animations.
Tomcat at 8:27PM, Sept. 15, 2006
...And you got these WHERE exactly, I haven't been able to find any sense friggin' MUGEN character makers started whining at the only site I could find them.