Salsicoruc on Oct. 26, 2008

I think I will be kind of sacrificing quality (or a chance to be anal-retentive) in favor of posting on time. But what ev's.

When I mentioned this page previously, I was talking about the amount of people and the cafeteria that I conned myself into drawing. It was a good challenge. Originally, the top half of the page was a “scenic” view thingy, but I decided that wasn't very economical.

I notice that I draw the back of my characters' heads a lot. This isn't because I'm uncomfortable with faces or anything like that, but I want people to understand the environment without setting the characters apart from it. You are there because Cady is there. or something.

Really I just don't know what I'm talking about. Now I'm off to backlog. Backlog and study.

EDIT: Updates Mondays.